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You're viewing Microsoft Access Cheat Codes

Game Name : Microsoft Access
System : PC - Windows
Date Added : 2002-06-28 01:48:02
Views : 22205

Cheat :
Magic Eight Ball in Access '95:
Create a new database. Create a new macro that contains no commands. Save the macro with filename Magic Eight Ball. Close the macro. Drag the new macro to the toolbar to create an button icon. Right click on the button and select "Customize". Right click on the button again and select "Choose Button Image". Select the eight ball from the choices, then click on "OK", followed by "Close". Click on the eight ball button icon to get a response similar to the real toy.

Magic Eight Ball in Access '97 and Access 2000:
Create a new database, or open an existing database. Create a new macro that contains no commands. Save the macro with filename Magic Eight Ball. Close the macro. Drag the new macro to the toolbar to create an icon that resembles a "Magic Eight Ball" toy. Click on the icon to get a response similar to the real toy.

Programmer credits in Access '95:
Select the "Tools", "Security", and "User and Group Accounts" options. Click on "New User", then enter Pioneer as the "UserName" and 092595 as the "Personal ID".

Programmer credits in Access '97:
Create a new database. Create a new table and save under the name Go Speed Racer Go. Then, select the "Help", and "About" options and double click the Right Mouse Button on the bitmap.

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